Header Image GHD

Image Gallery Overview:

Upload multiple images at one time to your gallery widget. Use browse to select your images or drag and drop your images to your upload window. Select a Gallery style


Select browse to choose multiple images on your computer. Or use Drag and Drop area on the upload screen (new feature not complete just yet). You can re-upload an image or images at any time to overwrite existing images with the same name.

Set aspect ratio:

Select 4:3, 3:2, or 16:9 (HD). This will set the frame size for your images. You can also manually set the frame size in the Gallery Settings.

Edit an image:

Open an image in the Image Editor to Resize, rotate, etc.

Image Property:

Add Captions and tags to the selected image. Link the image to a webpage (not completed), Files, or Enter a URL.

Gallery settings:  

Select Gallery style; Slideshow, Slideshow with thumbnails, Slideshow with navigation bullets, or Rotating banner. Select “Animation” and slide “Duration”. 

Style: Slideshow - Amimation: Fade in/out - Duration: 4 sec.  - Autostart: off 

Rotating Banner
Style: Banner - Amimation: Slide Horizontal - Duration: 4 sec. - Autostart: on


All features, testing and use of this product is confidential. Only REGISTERED participants are authorized to use this release. All rights reserved, ezTask.com, Inc.
