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The Communicator Module is great for managing your News & Information, Press Releases and more! Update your socila media right here in the Communicator Module!

Rss Feed Module...
This feed is coming form the Communicator Module on the right hand side of this webpage. This would generally be placed on the homepage to display News & Information.


Wed, 03 May 2017
Coming soon to the App Store!
Mon, 10 Aug 2015
Summer is a great time to redesign your website, as budget meetings are in high gear and a fresh start for fall is just around the corner. Here are three sure-fire ways to tell that it's time to redes...Read more...
Tue, 23 Jun 2015
Your Turnkey Solution... At ezTask, we have years of experience building websites that transforming communities. You are just a click or a phone call away from a total web solution that is efficient, ...Read more...
Mon, 22 Jun 2015
There is no substitute for quality, and, for the most part, quality is recognized and appreciated. In a surgeon, no one wants a renaissance man. The last thing you want to hear is, "Yeah, I guess I ca...Read more...
Top 3 Signs It's Time to Redesign
Summer is a great time to redesign your website, as budget meetings are in high gear and a fresh start for fall is just around the corner. Here are three sure-fire ways to tell that it's time to redesign your website.
  1. The compliments have stopped. How would your visitors describe the look of your website? If functional and utilitarian have been adopted in place of fantastic and beautiful or if you’re not proud to send visitors to your website-- it might be time to freshen things up.

  2. Your visitors ask you where to find what they’re looking for. 
    Sometimes a layout with navigation that worked seamlessly a couple of years back just isn’t doing the trick anymore. If you often find yourself having to help visitors navigate to the information they need, it may be time to consider a fresh style that caters to ensuring your most sought-after content is readily accessible. 

  3. The times they are a-changin'. 
    Maybe you’re under new leadership or have experienced a great deal of growth. Maybe you’ve re-branded or upgraded your facilities. A tasteful redesign can reflect exciting changes and renew interest in your website.


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